Yellow Ancistrus lives naturally in the upper reaches of the Amazon River in South America. Fish like to be in places with fast currents. This type of fish first appeared on the domestic market in the late 70s. In general, this fish is very unpretentious and even novice aquarium hobbyists can keep them.

Golden ancistrus is a twilight fish, active mainly after dark. During the day, these fish like to hide in caves, among rocks or among tree leaves. For example, you could keep a few ancistrus in a spacious community aquarium with African cichlids.
The water in the fish tank must be clear, so it is necessary to equip the fish tank with a high-performance water filter. Aeration and replacing 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh water weekly is necessary.
It is recommended to create flow in the aquarium by using a pump or directing the water filter’s outlet outlet along one of the long walls of the aquarium. Water parameters: temperature 22-25°C, hardness 2-20°, acidity pH 5.5-7.5.

It is best to have low lighting, which is not always possible, because plants need bright light to grow normally, so large caves need to be placed in the aquarium so that the fish can hide from bright light.
Ancistrus gold eats almost any type of food, both live and dry, but what they love most is green algae, which often appears in brightly lit areas of the aquarium. In addition, fish also acts as a detergent, removing food that other fish cannot eat.
You need to be aware that if there is not enough algae in the aquarium, ancistrus will begin to gnaw on the young shoots of the plant. To compensate for the lack of algae, fish can be fed spinach, lettuce and nettle leaves pre-scalded with boiling water.