“Ancient Super Ancestors Paving the Way for Modern Animal Lineages”

Many of the animals we see today originated from giant prehistoric monsters in ancient times.


The Haast eagle, which became completely extinct in the year 1,400 in New Zealand, has many similarities with today’s eagles and is considered one of the giant prehistoric monsters. The Haast eagle has a wingspan of up to 3m and weighs an average of 12kg, twice the size of today’s largest eagle.


Another giant prehistoric animal, Gastornis, is also related to today’s eagles, with a height of 2 meters, a giant beak and large claws. However, this giant bird could not fly, living in England, America, France, Germany and North America 34 million years ago.


The giant prehistoric whale Basilosaurus , a common ancestor of today’s whales, lived about 40 million years ago. This species is about 18m long.


Basilosaurus was the largest animal on Earth at that time, once mistakenly identified as a sea monster.

" lizard

Giant lizard Megalania Prisca . The ancient lizard Megalania Prisca that lived 40,000 years ago in Australia is said to be an “old version” of today’s Komodo dragon. Ancient lizards were up to 10m long, weighed about 600kg, many times larger than the Komodo dragon.


The giant lizard Megalania Prisca is the largest lizard ever to live on Earth. It has large, strong jaws with many sharp teeth. Megalania Prisca became extinct 40,000 years ago.

The giant crocodile Sarcosuchus Imperator is the ancestor of modern crocodiles, a super crocodile that lived on Earth 110 million years ago. Compared to modern crocodiles, prehistoric crocodiles have 1.8m long jaws with many sharp teeth.


Sarcosuchus Imperator has a length of about 12 meters and weighs about 10 tons, it can attack even tyrant dinosaurs.


Megapiranha paranensis , the giant prehistoric piranha, is the ancestor of today’s piranhas. Megapiranha paranensis lived 8 – 10 million years ago in the rivers of South America. This species has a maximum length of up to 1m, 4 times longer than today’s Piranhas.


The teeth of prehistoric Piranha fish are extremely sharp, arranged in a zig-zag pattern unlike modern fish. Ancient Piranha fish could perform a bite of up to 1,000kg, compared to its body weight, it was one of the strongest bites in history, more than tyrant dinosaurs and crocodiles.


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