Explore the world’s largest acid lake

Lake Kawah Ijen in Indonesia is known as the largest acid lake in the world. At night, the lake appears blue light containing a deadly secret…


Ijen (Kawah Ijen) is located 26km northwest of Banyuwangi town, and is one of 76 active volcanoes in Indonesia.


Ijen crater is recorded to have a radius of 361m, a surface area of 410,000m 2 , a depth of 200m and a volume of 36 million m 3


Kawah Ijen Lake, or Kawah Ijen Crater, has a beautiful turquoise color


Kawah Ijen Lake’s jade green color is caused by high concentrations of dissolved acids and metals. They originate from large amounts of magma deep below the lake


The operation of the magma furnace constantly releases toxic sulfur gases, causing the surface of Kawah Ijen Lake to be covered with white smoke all year round.


When night comes, this place changes its scenery completely, taking on a magical look


Kawah Ijen volcano is the most acidic lake in the world


Blue flames erupted from the ground, only visible when it was dark at night


This is one of the largest and most dangerous sulfur mines in the world


Sulfur miners brave danger to work for a living at Kawah Ijen Lake. They usually carry an average of about 80kg of sulfur down from the lake and then sell it to a refinery right at the foot of the mountain.

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