The cats are deformed but very strange and adorable

Frankie was born with four ears and one deformed eye, but this didn’t stop him from being a lovable and affectionate uncle.


Meet Frank and Louis, the two-faced cats! He is not conjoined twins. This is a cat with two faces. The disease is called “Diprosopus” and Frank and Louie are the longest-lived cats known to suffer from it. But the main thing is that they love him.

A cat with big toes. Great feature!


“Today I met this cat with two tails”


This kitten has 7 fingers!


“Today a polydactyl kitten was brought to our clinic”


“My cat has ears in different directions. Always”


“My kitten has a total of 26 fingers. Can you be proud of that number?”


Heterochromia in the rarest variant “blue”


Polydactyly is rare in humans, but does not occur in cats


A cat that you don’t put your fingers in its mouth – has a lot of teeth!


Polydactyl cats have extra toes


No, not photoshop. Mutations are rare, but real.


He has 6 toes on each foot


Maybe he really scared the downstairs neighbors by running around at night.


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