Top most unique freshwater aquarium fish in the world

Some ornamental fish species have the most “unique” appearance, attracting great attraction to freshwater aquarium hobbyists around the world.

Helicopter fish (Royal Farlowella Catfish / Sturisoma panamense) is a smooth-finned species, with a small body, eye-catching pointed fins, the whole body covered with hard armor-like scales and a long tail that stands out like a helicopter. The maximum body length of this fish is 20 cm. Helicopter fish eat moss and leftover food, so they are often kept as tank cleaning fish in aquariums.
African Butterflyfish / Pantodon buchholzi is dark brown to black, dotted with lighter colored dots. This fish has very wide pectoral fins, which when spread out to the sides, look like butterfly wings. The pelvic fins have strange long rays, hence the name African Butterflyfish.
Marbled Hatchet Fish (Carnegiella strigata) has a unique shape with an abdomen that extends down like the keel of a ship. The fish’s body has a striped pattern that looks like marble.
Samurai gourami (Samurai Gourami / Sphaerichthys vaillanti) is a plump-shaped aquarium fish with a maximum size of 6cm. This fish stands out with its vibrant colors ranging from orange, red, yellow to complex patterns.
Snake fish (Ropefish / Erpetoichthys calabaricus), also known as Reed Fish or Rope Fish, is an extremely unique freshwater fish, with a long and slender appearance like a snake. This fish has a maximum body size of 60 cm.
Elephant Nose Fish (Elephant Nose Fish / Gnathonemus petersii) also known as elephant trunk fish. This unique fish has a long, slim body, a small narrow tail, and a long nose that extends forward like a trunk.
Black Ghost Knife Fish / Apteronotus albifrons has a black body, with only 2 white spots on the tail and one on the nose. This fish moves by undulating the long fin on its lower body.
Dinosaur eels or horned fish (Bichir / genus Polypterus) have a strange appearance like a “prehistoric” fish. They are capable of walking on land and living without water for long periods of time.
Dinosaur eel or horned fish (Bichir / genus Polypterus) has exaggeration. Hillstream Loach / Sewellia lineolata has a flat body somewhat similar to a ray, with many yellow-brown patterns on its back to disguise itself from enemies. .weird shape like a “prehistoric” fish. They are capable of walking on land and living without water for long periods of time.
Glass Catfish (Glass Catfish/Kryptopterus vitreolus) has a long and thin body, transparent like glass, clearly showing both bones and internal organs inside the fish.

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