“Unexpected Roadside Encounter: Woman Stumbles Upon Rare Biannual Blooming Flower”

Strange plants and animals are always a topic that attracts a lot of views on social networks. Recently, two women shared the story of encountering strange flowers growing wild along the roadside on the first days of the new year. Moreover, its name is also very suitable for the Tet atmosphere.

According to the video owner, she calls this the Thai lotus flower. Its tree grows into a green bush, the canopy is quite high, but when the flowers bloom, they hide deep below. When picking it in her hand, the girl compared it to being made by “candle wax” (candle), and reaffirmed that this was a real flower, not a fake one to attract views.



Strange flowers grow hidden deep beneath the bushes, their beauty must be called sublime.

In the comments section, netizens discussed the identity of this strange flower:

– “My place is called Thai lotus, Da Loc lotus or Quan Am lotus”

– “My family grows a lot of dachshunds. If you diligently water and fertilize them, they will bloom all year round, sister”

– “You didn’t say it, I thought it was fake flowers, so beautiful”

– “Seeing this flower at the beginning of the year must be very lucky for the whole year”

It is known that multiflora lotus originates from Indonesia with the scientific name Nicolai Editor. In addition, people also call it earth lotus. Its trees grow in bushes, shaped like a hibiscus tree. The leaves are parallel, the sheaths are large and strong. Mature trees can be 4 – 5 meters tall. Flowers grow straight from the base and grow vertically. The petals are hard, pink-red, shiny, odorless. If well cared for, the flower diameter can reach 25cm.






This flower has a name and beauty that is very suitable for the first days of the new year.

In fact, multiflora lotus flowers all year round, not twice a year. The flowers blooming on the tree may not wither for up to 1 month, and after being cut, the flowers can be kept for 5-7 days. In addition to pink-red, flowers can also be white.

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