Strange tree with “shell like corn, intestine like instant noodles”

Recently, on social networks, images of a plant shaped like a corn cob have been continuously circulating, but have intestines like instant noodles, attracting the curiosity of many people. The online community calls it “Shrimp noodle plant” but, “shrimp noodle plant” has nothing to do with corn or…

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Strange plant “a cross between a pineapple and a cactus” on the highest mountain in Africa

Strange plant “hybrid between pineapple and cactus” on the highest mountain in Africa | Dan Tri Newspaper Travel Video – Photos (Dan Tri) – On the inactive volcano Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, there are many “unique” tree species with extremely strange shapes. Strange tree…

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“Strange flowers and plants” in the strangest archipelago in the world

“Strange flowers and herbs” in the strangest archipelago in the world | Dan Tri Newspaper Travel Video – Photos (Dan Tri) – The Socotra archipelago located in the northwest Indian Ocean has many rare flora and fauna species that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. Socotra,…

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These “strange flowers” seem to come from a strange planet

These “strange flowers” seem to come from a strange planet. The surrounding plant world is extremely rich with all kinds of shapes, colors and sizes. This excitement makes us always surprised and want to explore. Those are more special and unique flowers…

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Extremely rare image of giant corpse flower fruiting

The rare Titan arum flower is also known as the corpse flower because of its unique, “unique” stench. This giant flower blooms in November. The flower can be from 1.8…

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Shocked by strange objects like “ghost hands” rising from the ground

Shocked by a strange object like a “ghost hand” emerging from the ground. has changed color, turning dry and gray-green. The foresters were startled…

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Chafer beetles can sing thanks to a strange helmet like “antenna”

Well, we don’t usually get a full biology lesson along with our photos, but we’re lucky to have reader Lou Jost, who is not only an excellent photographer and artist but also a living and working naturalist and biologist. in Ecuador. I posted about treehoppers…

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Strange with the “alien” appearance of leaf-eating insects

The Brazilian Treehopper is a fairly common insect that lives mainly in tropical forests, perhaps one of the most bizarre-looking creatures on the planet. They are about the size of a pea, mainly just nibbling on the leaves on the top…

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“Shiver” the tree bleeds like a human!

(Dan Tri) – Mother Nature gives humans countless wonderful things and also no shortage of strange things. One of them probably has to mention the tree that makes many people surprised because it “bleeds” when cut on the trunk. It is known that this special tree…

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“Unearthed: The Fascinating Encounter with a Rare and Mysterious Pink Slug”

The Kaputar pink slug lives only on Mount Kaputar in the state of New South Wales in the protected Mount Kaputar National Park. Kaputar slugs can be over 20cm long. Millions of years ago, Kaputar was an active volcano, when most of Australia…

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