Strange “lobsters” live on… trees

A narrow and steep rocky island, taller than America’s famous Empire State Building, rises alone in the middle of the sea. It doesn’t look like a place that would welcome you to live. But strangely, people have just discovered a type of insect there…

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Strange with the “alien” appearance of leaf-eating insects

The Brazilian Treehopper is a fairly common insect that lives mainly in tropical forests, perhaps one of the most bizarre-looking creatures on the planet. They are about the size of a pea, mainly just nibbling on the leaves on the top…

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“Flower” eats bloodthirsty meat in Vietnam

The innocent insect approached the lovely flower. Suddenly the flower moved and in just a split second the unfortunate victim lost his life… That “flower” was a strange species of mantis called the orchid mantis, scientific name Hymenopus coronatus. They …

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