Which Massive Creatures Sculpted These Mega-Tunnels in South America? Giant Sloth?

Tunnels are normally things that are either made by humans or were constructed over thousands or millions of years by water movement. However, in a specific area of South America, there are tunnels large enough for humans to walk through, even some large …

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Amazing Fossil Discovery: 70 million-year-old dinosaur eggs with embryos preserved

ɑrgeոtiոe sᴄieոtists hɑve mɑde ɑ fɑsᴄiոɑtiոg disᴄovery iո the soᴜtherո proviոᴄe of ոeᴜqᴜeո. They hɑve foᴜոd fossilized diոosɑᴜr eggs thɑt ᴄoոtɑiո embryos iոside, estimɑted to be ɑroᴜոd 70 millioո yeɑrs old. ᴄlɑᴜdiɑ Dellɑ ոegrɑ, the direᴄtor iո ᴄhɑrge …

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Russia’s Own B-2 Stealth Bomber May Be Prepared by 2023 and Into Service by 2025

(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — The new Russian strategic bomber aircraft, called “PAK DA” or “Izdelie 80” (Product 80), developed by the Tupolev company, is expected to make its maiden flight in 2025.  PAK DA is also Russia’s first stealth bomber. However, …

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When a farmer discovers a large “Dinosaur Egg,” he makes an unexpected discovery when he looks inside.

Follow the Farmer’s Journey as he Unveils the Astonishing Truth Behind the Enigmatic Shell! In a quiet place called deep, there was a farmer named Mateo Suarez. You would think that Carlos Spegazzini is a name and not a place, but it’s not like that. …

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What exactly is this plane? And why does it have such an odd-looking nose?

PREVIOUS 8 Different Types of (US) Navy Helicopters NEXT The Differences Between Types of Flight Simulators Explained Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp All airplanes look alike, right? Wrong! Today’s airplanes are anything but common …

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Cannibalism in Prehistory Discovered? 1.45 million years ago, our relatives butchered each other

A human leg bone dating back to 1.45 million years ago is marked with 11 tiny cut marks. A new study shows that while two were made by an animal, probably a lion, the remaining 9 suggest another human butchered and ate the flesh. A study published in …

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‘Man-Eating Dinosaur’ Captured by Texas Man Crocodile Is Believed To Be A Myth

Photo: Getty Images A Texas man made the catch of a lifetime — and he only had to travel over 9,000 miles to do it. Garrett Wales was recently on a hunting trip in the Savé Valley of Zimbabwe, Africa, where he heard of the “legend of this croc” who reportedly …

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‘Mummified remains of a mysterious beast’ discovered in Yakutia

One theory is a wolverine, a carnivorous mammal that resembles a small bear. Picture: YSIA The strange ancient creature was found in diamond yielding sands in Udachny, Mirninsky district of Yakutia, also known as the Sakha Republic. The diamond miners …

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According to recent research, ancient diseases released by melting glaciers might wreak havoc on the world.

Science fiction is rife with fanciful tales of deadly organisms emerging from the ice and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting human victims. From shape-shifting aliens in Antarctica, to super-parasites emerging from a thawing woolly mammoth in Siberia, to …

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Megalodon: the truth about the largest shark that ever lived

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