9 species of giant insects are real that you thought you only saw in movies

Every day, we see mainly insects that are quite small in size. However, in the world there are many species of insects that possess giant sizes. Many people will feel startled by the excessive size of some of the insects below.

1. Goliath bird-eating spider

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With its giant size, hairy body, and sharp fangs, this spider always makes anyone who meets it wary. They range in size from 2.5 cm to 33 cm.

2. Asian giant hornet

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The Asian giant hornet, scientific name Vespa mandarinia, is an insect native to temperate and tropical East Asia. This species has a length of 4.5 cm to 6 cm, and is considered the largest and most dangerous bee species.

3. Giant Isopod

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Giant Isopod is a large crustacean genus in the order Isopod, living deep under the sea. It looks a lot like a beetle commonly found in the garden. Their size ranges from 17 cm to 55 cm.

4. Queen Alexandra butterfly

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This is the largest butterfly in the world, with a wingspan of nearly 25 cm.

5. Tarantula Hawk wasp

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Bees often attack black widow spiders or large hairy bird-eating spiders (Tarantula).

6. Atlas Butterfly

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Atlas butterflies are also famous for having the largest wingspan in the world. A butterfly’s wingspan can cover as long as an adult’s foot.

7. Cricket Weta

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Weta crickets are also one of the ‘giant’ sized insects. Not counting the length of the legs and antennae, each Weta cricket’s body is 10 cm long. Their weight can be up to 71 grams.

8. Titan beetle

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This is a giant beetle in the insect world. This beetle can grow up to nearly 18cm.

9. Giant stick beetle

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This species of stick insect has the scientific name Phasmatodea. It looks more like a dry tree branch than an insect. This beetle is more than 33cm long.

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