A banyan tree located in the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose botanical garden (India) is called The Great Banyan. This banyan tree is 250 years old and has a canopy covering an area of about 14,400 square meters (larger than an average Wal-Mart supermarket – 0.975 hectares), the two opposite sides are about 411 square meters apart.
The Guinness Book of Records recognizes The Great Banyan as the largest tree in the world. This giant banyan tree is even printed on Indian stamps.
This ancient banyan tree has 3,511 roots above and clinging to the ground, each root looks like a separate tree. Around the circumference of the tree is a 322m long road. The canopy of this giant banyan tree even extends beyond the road, creating a rather interesting tunnel.

The world’s largest banyan tree was attacked by a tornado, ripping off its main trunk twice in 1884 and 1886. In 1925, the main trunk of the tree was removed due to rot, when it was 15 meters wide. ,24m. The fact that it lives well, even continues to grow today even without a main stem, surprises scientists.
Over the past 30 years, the banyan tree has still grown well, its canopy has expanded and covered more than 8,000 square meters.
According to Indian culture, the banyan tree is one of the most revered trees. To take care of this giant tree, 13 employees need to work together continuously. Their job is not only to care for but also monitor whether the roots are developing properly.