“Belize Barrier Reef: A Global Treasure Recognized as a Natural World Heritage Site”

The United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization Unesco recognized Belize’s Belize Barrier Reef as a World Natural Heritage Site in 1996.

Rạng san hô Belize Barrier còn được gọi là khu bảo tồn rạng san hô Belize Barrier hay hệ thống bảo tồn rạng san hô Belize Barrier.

Located off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. Belize is a country in Central America, bordered to the North by Mexico, to the West and South by Guatemala, and to the East by the Gulf of Honduras, an arm of the Caribbean Sea. The Belize Barrier Reef is also known as the Belize Barrier Reef Sanctuary or the Belize Barrier Reef Conservation System. This is the largest coral conservation system in the Northern Hemisphere and the second largest coral conservation system in the world.

Đây là hệ thống bảo tồn lớn san hô lớn nhất khu vực Bắc bán cầu

The geographical boundary of the Belize Barrier Reef is calculated from the northern border with Mexico extending to the southern border with Guatemala. The person who was instrumental in discovering the ferry and bringing the outstanding values of this coral reef to the world was Naturalist Charles Darwin. After many years of research, Charles Darwin described the Belize Barrier Reef in 1842. “The Belize Barrier Reef is the most remarkable coral reef of the West Indies.” Even though hundreds of years have passed, the observations of naturalist Charles Darwin are still valid today. Studies have shown that nearly 110 species of coral coexist on the Belize Barrier Reef. However, only about 10% of coral species here have been discovered and studied, the remaining 90% are still in mystery.

và là hệ thống bản tồn san hô lớn thứ hai trên thế giới.

Not only is it the largest coral reef in the northern hemisphere, the atolls off the coast of the Caribbean Sea are also home to hundreds of different species of marine animals. According to estimates, there are more than 500 species of fish and 350 species of marine animals including sea turtles, manatees, sea crocodiles, octopuses, jellyfish…

Có hơn 100 loài san hô cùng tồn tại tại khu vực này.

It can be said that the Belize Barrier is a perfect reserve and conservation system in which there is a connection between small systems (small coral reefs connected to form a large coral reef) and the diverse ecosystem here. . Coral reefs are a shelter and food source for fish and molluscs. These animals in turn release substances that nourish the coral, creating a perfect cycle.

Mặc dù vậy theo các nhà nghiên cứu thì mới chỉ có khoảng 10% số lượng san hô tại đây được khám phá, nghiên cứu

However, in recent years, the Belize Barrier Reef has been facing many harmful factors such as climate change, human impact…. In which climate change has been creating causing a warmer water environment, causing the color of these coral reefs to change. Large storms that create aftershocks under the sea are also causing significant impacts on coral reefs. In addition, coastal tourism development, industrial development and especially oil and gas exploitation are seriously damaging the marine environment in this area. Not only that, what concerns environmentalists the most is that the rapid population growth in this American country has been leading to a rapid increase in demand for food and services. Exploitation also increases, pushing coral reefs closer and closer to the edge of the threat. For those reasons, in June 2009, Unesco put the Belize Barrier Reef on the list of World Heritage Sites at risk.

Belize Barrier là một hệ thống dự trữ, bảo tồn hoàn hảo trong đó có sự kết nối giữa các hệ thống nhỏ với hệ sinh thái đa dạng tại đây

Đây được coi là một trong những hệ sinh thái đa dạng, cổ xưa nhất trên thế giới.

năm 2009 di sản này đã phải xếp vào danh sách những di sản có nguy cơ bị đe dọa do nạn khai thác dầu, phát triển du lịch và biến đổi khí hậu...

Unesco đã công nhận Rạng San hô Belize Barrier của Belize là Di sản thiên nhiên thế giới năm 1996.

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