Discovered many strange “alien-like” creatures in the deep sea

Organisms discovered in the deep sea off the coast of Australia provide a completely new perspective on the evolution of marine species.

Australian scientists have discovered biological samples at the bottom of the sea 4km deep, where there is almost no food, light and extremely high water pressure. Some creatures were collected at a depth of 4.8km – the record depth ever reached by an Australian research ship.


Arowana fish was discovered by scientists.


Lizard fish discovered.


Faceless fish discovered.

The results include more than 100 species of fish, including many species that look like alien creatures that science has never known. Some interesting creatures include lizard fish and deep-sea arowana fish.

However, the deep-sea starfish is considered the most important discovery – contributing to decoding the evolutionary secrets that have produced countless different marine species. Accordingly, scientists have discovered that the evolutionary process depends on geography, weather and ecological environment.

Previously, scientists believed that evolution happened faster in tropical seas with higher temperatures. This new discovery has proven those assumptions wrong.

Research team leader Tim O’Hara said the development of species “blooms” most in the coldest sea area, Antarctica. Over time, new species of organisms evolved alongside the newly formed ice layers. Meanwhile, relatively stable conditions in tropical waters slow the rate of production of new species.

The undersea rift where scientists discovered the creatures is the deepest and largest habitat on Earth – accounting for half of the planet’s oceans. However, this is also the least explored area.

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