Parrot’s Beak Flower is a perennial drooping plant with a silver-green creeping stem that looks like it’s covered with powder. Normally, this ornamental tree usually has a trunk about 60-1m long. The stem has branches.

The leaves of Parrot’s Beak Flower can be green or silver, divided into many lobes, needle-like. The size of the small leaves is about 1-2cm long, the leaves are as small as the leaves of a ten o’clock flower.
In cases where ornamental plants do not flower, their leaves are still a beautiful decoration with their silver-gray color, creating a special look.

However, when the flowering period comes, the beauty of this plant increases even more. This flower blooms from spring to late summer and even early fall. Flowers grow concentrated at the tips of branches. The size is not very large, only 2 to 4 cm.